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well if he/she normally dosent bark/growl at any one else than he/she is trying to tell you its not a very good person and not to bring him to your home but if he/she does this all the time than he/she is just being normal and you should train it not to do that to anybody and it wont do it any more

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Q: What do you do if your dog barks and growls at your boyfriend?
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What does a dog bark sound like?

It depends on the dog. Dogs can produce different barks depending on their mood. The dog's size also plays a part. Some have a higher pitch and some have a really low/deep barks. Some are really loud barks and some are kind of low growls.

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Dog barking collars are collars for dogs that shock their necks when the dog barks or growls. These collars are very cruel, mean and inhumane towards animals.

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barks and growls

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Don't take it out on a walk

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They communicate by barks , growls , and other vocalizations, and body language.

What do you call wolf sounds?

Vocalizations. Howls , barks , yips , growls and whimpers.

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Examples of the sentence using pronouns.It barks at the cat.The dog barks at it.He barks at the cat.The dog barks at her.She barks at him.

How dogs interact?

They communicate using barks, grunts, growls, whines and physical gestures for example with the tail and ears.

Your dog barks and growls at you every time you walk into the room but not at anyone else in the family you have not done anything to hurt the dog what can you do to fix this behavior?

What you can do is whenever you enter a room with your dog, give it a good amount of praise or treats. This way, it will want to be happy with you and expect you with a wagging tail all the time.

How do Pomeranians react when they feel they can be the boss?

Like other breeds - if they feel that no one is the boss they will take over themselves. You can tell this when a pom growls and barks at you a lot as if it's demanding something. If this bothers you at all, these behaviours can be corrected. When it growls, punish it by excluding it - put alone in a separate room. If it barks excessively; (which the breed does) cross your hands over each other and spread them apart and say "quiet" it helps to do this the moment thew dog isn't barking.

If a dog growls is that good or bad?

It is a good thing because when the dog growls, it is telling you to back off and get out of my space. This should obviously make you leave.

When a dog meets a strange dog what are the signs that the dog gives to tell you whether they will fight or play?

If the dogs sniff each other and wag their tails, then probably, the dogs won't attack each other. But if one f the dogs growls, exposes his teeth, barks or looks really tensed, then you should be careful.