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Kitten milk replacer works.

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Q: What do you feed a newborn raccoon that has no teeth and eyes are not open yet what kind of milk?
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How soon should i feed a newborn puppy if the mother doesn't feed them?

give him milk for a few months then when he starts getting teeth give him soft food like u would a cat

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The Udder is used to feed the newborn calf.

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You shouldn't feed a newborn anything until you talk with your vet.

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No you can not touch a newborn baby mouse tomuch unless the eyes are open P.S feed a baby abandond mouse condensed milk worm up in microwave for 8 seconds and use sorinj

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You can feed your newborn dogs and cats a meal that is not from their mum after they are at least 3 months.

How do you feed newborn rabbits?

Let the mother feed them, that's the best option.

What is the funnest wild animal to feed?

Its a raccoon man do i have stories

What do you feed a newborn ferret?

In a newborn ferret is wanting to eat you should blend his food so it will calm down and get the mother [ if you still have it] to breast feed it alot :]

Does a raccoon really eat a rabbit?

Yes, a raccoon will eat a rabbit. However, adult rabbits are much too fast for a raccoon but they will feed on nestling baby rabbits.

What should you feed your newborn calf?

If you can try to feed it mostly milk. It needs to get healthy.