

What does Mitochodrion do?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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12y ago

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Mitochondrion burns down the food you eat to sugars. =)

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What does a mitochodrion do?


Which pair of molecules is used by the mitochodrion?

Pyruvate and O2

Where in the cell is the citric acid cycles?

It takes place in the matrix of the mitochodrion.

Most cellular life processes occur here?

in mitochodrion

What is the function for the mitochodrion?

The mitochondrion is the site of aerobic cellular respiration.

In a cell what reases energy stored in food?

mitochodrion of the cell is responsible for the ATP production in cell which is energy currency for the humans.

What part of the cell is responsible for production of energy for cellular processes in humans?

The organelle called the mitochondria are responsible for energy production in animal cells.

What does mitochodrion mean?

any of various round or long cellular organelles of most eukaryotes that are found outside the nucleus, produce energy for the cell through cellular respiration, and are rich in fats, proteins, and enzymes

What is an organelle that enables a plant to produce its own food?

The chloroplast, which contains chlorophyll, helps in photosynthesis.

How do cells without mitochodrion get energy?

Most eukaryotic cells -- those that contain nuclei -- also contain mitochondria, but there are exceptions to this rule. Some parasitic protists take energy from their hosts and do not have mitochondria. In humans, mature red blood cells lack mitochondria nor do they have any organelles. The RBCs die after 120 days because of this. They can't make energy.

DO plants and animals compare and contrast?

Both plants and animals are Eukaryotes, meaning they have a membrane bound nucleus and other membrane-enclosed organelles. Both plants and animals have a nucleus or a central comand center, smooth endoplasmic reteculum, where lipids are synthesised, and a rough endoplasmic reticulum with ribosomes, where proteins are synthesised. They both have a Golgi apparatus which is like the loading and receiving docks of products of the cell, lipids and proteins, and a mitochodrion (mitochodria)where cellular respiration takes place, and a cytoskeleton and plasma membrane which makes up the protection of the cell. Only plants have a cell wall, central vacuole, and chloroplast, which is where photosynthesis takes place. most plant cells do not have Lysosomes, which break down or eat cell parts that are no longer functioning properly, and centriole which help in cell division.

Where does Atp production occur?

Mitochondria. The mitochondria's primary function is to convert the potential chemical energy of molecules into a form that the cell can use, which is ATP. It is made my the process of cellular respiration using fuel molecules and Oxygen. ATP is made up of Adenosine molecule attached to three phosphate groups.