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It is bigger and gives birth to baby yellow jackets

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A queen yellow jacket is larger in size compared to worker yellow jackets, typically measuring around 12-16 mm in length. They have a more robust and elongated body with a brighter yellow coloration compared to workers. Queens also have a distinct set of wings and a stinger at the end of their abdomen.

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Q: What does a queen yellow jacket look like?
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A yellow jacket is a type of wasp, which is an insect. They get their name because their exoskeletons are black and yellow.

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How can one identify a yellow jacket?

Yellow jackets defining features are hard to tell from similar insect. The nests look like the face of a cliff. With ridges as the jacket expands. The nests can grow up to three times as big as a one gallon jug in two years. Before they land, they do a rapid side to die landing pattern. They only occur in colonies and have distinctive markings.