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they both like water and they both are poisonous

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Q: What does a sea krait snake and a tiger snake have in common?
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What stripped snake is poisonous?

There are a number of banded snakes that are venomous but none come to mind that are striped. The coral snake, tiger snake and banded krait as well as some sea snakes come to mind and all have bands but no stripes.

What snakes live in salt water?

There are several species of snakes that live in salt water. Some of these include the olive sea snake, the blue-lipped sea krait, as well as the yellow-lipped sea krait.

What is the name of the largest rat in the world?

the world's 60 most venomous snakes: belchers sea snake, beaked sea snake, banded sea snake, yellow bellied sea snake, olive sea snake, stoke sea snake, Dubois's Reef sea snake, electric sea snake, Fiji sea snake, elegant sea snake, other sea snake, sea krait, inland taipan, common krait, common brown snake, blue krait, common taipan, central ranges taipan, north-west taipan, papuan taipan, black snake, black mamba, boomslang, puff adder, carpet viper, green mamba, rhinoceros viper, Russell's viper, multi banded krait, eastern tiger snake, Riesvie tiger snake, mainland tiger snake, Chappell's tiger snake, Tasmanian tiger snake, western tiger snake, black tiger snake, Philppene cobra, ashes spitting cobra, Egyptian cobra, red spitting cobra, Mozambique spitting cobra, ringhal, king cobra, Indian cobra, black cobra, forest cobra, gaboon viper, monocled cobra, black neck spitting cobra, cape cobra, Chinese cobra, central Asian cobra, death adder, western brown snake, Australian copper head, coral snake, common lance head, yellow jawed Tommy goff, golden lance head, jarararcussu, Mojave rattle snake(If bitten and venom is injected)The most venomous snake on earth is the Belcher's Sea Snake (Hydrophis Belcheri) or the Faint Banded Sea Snake, some consider the Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus) an/or the Beaked Sea Snake (Enhydrina schistosa) to be the most toxic, however, with recent and more accurate studies as of 2010 prove the Belcheri has a 100 times more toxic venom then the two above or any other snake on earth.It has a paddle-like tail, breathes air and can hold it's breath up to 8 hours, a few milligrams of venom can kill over a thousand people.It's habitat has a wide range in the South Pacific.Excluding the Belcher's Sea Snake the next most venomous snakes on earth according to their venom rating are:2- Inland Tiapan (Oxyuranus Microlepidotus).3- Common Indian Krait (Bungarus Caeruleus).4- Philippine Cobra (Naja Philippinensis).5- King Cobra (Ophiophagus Hanna).6- Russell's Viper (Vipera Russellii).7- Black Mamba (Dendroaspis Polylepis).8- Yellow Jawed Tommygoff (Bothrops Asper).9- Multibanded krait (Bungarus Multicinctus).10- Tigar Snake (Notechis Scutatus).11- Jararacussu (Bothrops Jararacussu).

What is the most posonius snake on the planet?

Snake's Toxic Rank 1 - Inland Taipan (oxyuranus microlepidotus) 2 - Common Indian Krait (bungarus caeruleus) 3 - Philippine Cobra (naja philippinensis) 4 - King Cobra (ophiophagus hannah) 5 - Russell's Viper (cipera russellii) 6 - Black Mamba (dendroaspis polylepis) 7 - Yellow jawed Tommygoff (bothrops asper) 8 - Multibanded krait (bungarus multicinctus) 9 - Tiger Snake (notechis scutatus) 10 - Jararacussu (bothrops jararaacussu)

What are the poisonous snakes in borneo?

I will soon be moving to Borneo and as a wildlife enthusiast I wanted to research some of the snakes I might encounter. Cobras: King Cobra (worlds largest venomous snake) over 13' long Sumatran Cobra Kraits: Banded Krait Yellowheaded Krait Sea sk: Yellow-Lipped Sea Krait Marbeled Sea Snake Amphibious Sea Snake (all sea snakes are venomous) Pit Vipers: Waglers Pit viper White Lipped Pit Viper Pope's Pit Viper Shore Pit Viper Cat Sks: Yellow Ringed Cat Snake (Mangrove Snake) Spotted Cat Snake Dog-toothed Cat Snake White Spotted Cat Snake Black Headed Cat Snake (all mildly venomous) Water Snakes: Dog-Faced Water Snake Corals: Blue Malayan Coral Banded Malayan Coral It's quite the list, all of these found in Borneo. Stay safe and don't attempt to capture these animals unless you are trained appropriately. Watch your step and enjoy your jungle adventure.

Related questions

What is the name of the sea snake?

There are 55+ different species of sea snake here are a few: Yellow Sea Snake Yellow-lipped Sea Krait Crocker's Sea Snake Guinea's Sea Krait Blue-lipped Sea Krait Saint Girons' Sea Krait Niue Sea Krait Black-banded Sea Krait Black-and-yellow sea snake Spiny-headed Sea Snake Stoke's sea snake Turtlehead sea snake Jerdon's sea snake Yellowbelly sea snake (also known as pelagic sea snake) Olive sea snake Garman's sea snake Beaked seasnake Ornate Reef Seasnake

What type of snake is the world's deadliest sea snake?

The Banded Sea Krait.

Is a sea krait snake a predeator?

yes it is

What sea do sea snakes live in?

coral and eats other sea krait snake

Are there any dangerous reptiles spiders etc?

Yes, the Brown Recluse is a very dangerous spider as well as the Black widow. The Gila Moster, Bushmaster, Beaked Sea Snake, Carpet Viper, Russel's Viper, Black Mamba, Eastern Brown Snake, Common Death Adder, Tiger Snake, Common Krait, and the Inland Taipan are also dangerous snakes,.

What do the sea snake and tiger snake have in common?

they both eat lizards. Now don't ask me again

Most venomous sea snake?

The Inland Taipan (Oxyuranus microlepidotus), is the most venomous snake in the world. Note that there are many different factors to consider when determining which is the most venemous snake.Found mostly in Agawam, mass and eats little children.

What stripped snake is poisonous?

There are a number of banded snakes that are venomous but none come to mind that are striped. The coral snake, tiger snake and banded krait as well as some sea snakes come to mind and all have bands but no stripes.

Is the rattlesnake the deadliest snake?

the rattlesnke is not the deadliest snake the banded sea krait it kills humans within 5 minutes.

What snakes live in salt water?

There are several species of snakes that live in salt water. Some of these include the olive sea snake, the blue-lipped sea krait, as well as the yellow-lipped sea krait.

What are 10 poisonous snakes?

There are many types of venemous snakes. Ten are: The Eastern Diamondback, the Death Adder, the Philippine Cobra, the Tiger Snake, the Black Mamba, the Taipan, the Blue Krait, the Eastern Brown Snake, the Indian Taipan, and Belcher's Sea Snake (the most venomous of them all).

What is a sea kraits number of species?

A sea krait is a type of sea snake. Sea kraits belong to the genus Laticauda. There are only five species of sea kraits.