

What does it mean when a coyote howl?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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13y ago

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some calls like barks and howls can be a locator call or stimulant call. a growl can be to act like a coyote is eating and warning others to stay away. then you can get your distress calls to attract coyotes like a cotton tale in distress or fawn etc... then you have squeak calls as in a mouse with is food to them same as most distress calls. i hope this helps i have hunted coyotes for 3 years and this is what i have learned and and experimented with to find works. just need to practice to get them down rite because the dogs can be smart.

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13y ago

When a coyote howls it's most likely howling with it's pack and even if it's not they most likely have killed an animal and are "celebrating" kind of like how people celebrate when they have an awsome thanks giving dinner in front of them and it might also be to call the rest of the pack to either help it kill something or to eat something.

Hope this helped!!!


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Um if this is a trick question than I don't know but if not its a wolf or coyote

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Coyotes are very vocal and they communicate with noise and through body language. They howl, growl and yip to each other to communicate.

Why do coyotes yelp?

Primarily, to announce their territory and determine if other coyotes' control territory near their own (e.g. a coyote will howl and then listen for other coyotes to howl back -- if he hears another coyote to the West, than he knows that the land to the West is patrolled and "owned' by a different coyote, and he will respect that coyote's boundaries). They also howl to call their family members back after they split up to hunt. for more info about it go to do coyotes howl :) ;)

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