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Female goats commonly go through false pregnancies. Eventually, the goat will go through a labor which results in a fluid filled sac and nothing more. Sometimes the goat will come into milk afterwards, but often it will not.

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Q: What does it mean when a female pygmy goat has swollen udders and belly non pregnant not in distress?
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Can a sheep have a false pregnancy?

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What cattle have udders other than cows?

Only cows and older and/or pregnant heifers are capable of developing udders; steers, bulls and calves are not.

When does sheep show pregnancy?

Keep checking the udders. the Udders will begin to develop on a pregnant ewe long before her belly gives her away.

What animals have udders?

Female quadruped mammals have udders that hang under the animal behind the hind legs that produce milk. Goats sheep, cows, and deer have udders.

Do cats have udders?

Absolutely not. Bulls are male cattle, and udders are mammary glands (or breast equivalent).

Where is cattle milk from?

Milk comes from the udders of female cattle (a.k.a cows).

Does a miniature horse udders hang if they are not pregnant?

Like in full-size horses, miniatures' teats are mostly retracted when not pregnant.

Can you see the videos of breast of pregnant cows?

No, because cows don't have "breasts." They have UDDERS.

Is a cow pregnant if its udders are full and all the other heifers udders are normal?

A cow is a mature female bovine that has had a calf. A heifer is a female bovine that has not had a calf. Therefore there are two possibilities: one, the cow you are referring to already had a calf and is still lactating, and she's in with the heifers (that are probably just weaned) to keep them calm. Two, yes she could be, but it's hard to say since you are referring to her as a cow and not a heifer.

Do female goats have longer udders than males?

Yes, seeing that male goats dont have udders they have testes. The process of making milk is so that the baby goats can be nourished. Since, for the most part, male goats do not raise their offspirng they have no need for udders.

Do female oxcen have utters?

Yes I think all bovine females would have udders of varying sizes.

Do cows udders get sunburnt?

Yes, cows udders can get sunburned. Cows that have pink udders, or no pigmentation on their udders are more susceptible to getting sunburned.