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Stocking up is cool swelling in a horse's legs. It is most often seen in the back legs, but can occur in the front legs as well, and even in one leg at a time. It is common in horses that are used to moving around but are confined. For example, a horse who is normally in pasture but is put in a stall may have some stocking up in his legs. It generally doesn't cause problems and after moving freely, either under saddle or in pasture, for anywhere from 10-20 minutes, the swelling will do down.

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Q: What does stocking up mean when referring to a horse?
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Treatment for stocking up in horses?

If it is not to cold outside water your horses legs down with cool water to reduce swelling. Mean while, have somebody call your vet and describe the symptoms to him/her. If your vet cant get to your horse for a while, or you are unable to get to your vet, keep your horse in a stall. With permission form your vet, every few hours, walk your horse around for a bit to allow circulation in the legs.

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