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Total dominance is just another way of saying complete dominance. It is basically when one allele takes over the other

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Q: What does total dominance of one allele mean?
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WHen is one allele is dominant to a recessive allele?

complete dominance

What is it when there is total dominance of one allele?

It is the only trait that is noticeable.The scientific term is homozygous dominant.

When one allele shows dominance over another allele?

When one allele shows dominance over another it is masking the expression of the other allele which is called "recessive".The word for this is complete dominance.

What is the results when two different alleles both appear in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

In one allele is dominant to a recessive allele?

In _____, one allele is dominant to a recessive allele.

Is when one allele completely masks another?

when one allele is completely dominant over another allele, then it masks the expression of the second allele so the allele that masks the effect is called dominant allele and the allele whos effect is masked is called recessive allele

What is shared dominance?

Shared dominance, or co-dominance is when a single gene has more than one dominant allele. In shared dominance both alleles are expressed completely.

When one allele of a gene masks the presence of the allele what form can be seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What is it called in situations in which one allele for a gene is not completely dominant over another allele for that gene?

incomplete dominance

When one allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form can seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What one allele of a gene masks the presence of the other allele what form can be seen in the phenotype?

When one allele for a particular trait masks or overrides another allele for a trait, it is called dominance. The allele that is masked is called the recessive allele. The allele that is dominant will determine the phenotype.

What is the capacity of one allele to suppress the expression of a contrastingly recessive gene?
