

What effect do animals have on humans?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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15y ago

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they give us food

It depends on whether a person is speaking of wild animals or domestic animals. For one domestic animals can have a profound affect on their owners. In convalescent homes it has become apparent that those that interact with domestic animals, cats for instance, had their emotions boosted and appeared happier than they had before they had the cats around to pet, play and love. Domesticated animals have presented a problem to society as there is an ever increasing number of stray animals that are present in the US and around the world. In the US it is an increasing burden on the public to take care of stray animals as the population of strays is on a steady increase. Due to a larger world base of humans there is the result of a higher number of humans that have animals as their pets and as a result services for these animals is more widely needed such as veterinarian's, food supply stores, etc.

Wild animals for the most are largely responsible for supplying food to humans in one form or another. Meats, Eggs, Dairy, etc. Not to mention more expensive delicacies such as Caviar. And then there are humans that use animals for dietary purposes such as Fish oil which is oil that is derived from oily fish.

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