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Q: What fish has one or two sharp poisonous spines on the middle of its tail?
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Related questions

Are blowfish poisonous to touch?

The spines on blow fish are poisonous.

How did the tang fish get its name?

The tang refers to the sharp spines on the tang fish's tail which are as sharp as a scalpel.

Does a puffer fish have poisonous spines all aroung the body?

Yes... they do

Are the spikes on my sucker fish poisonous?

Technically, yes, those spines are poisonous. However, that is to protect them from other fish and it's not likely to be any danger to you.

What part of the butterfly scorpionfish is poisonous?

Butterfly Scorpion fish are not poisonous, but venomous. Their venom is on their spines, being pricked with one of the spines will be painful, and cause a sickness to whoever was pricked by the spine.

What does a bubblefish do that other fish don't?

A bubblefish is otherwise known as a puffer fish. It is a small fish covered in external spines that will puff itself up into a sphere to deter predators. The spines are also poisonous.

How can puffer fish kill sharks?

If the shark eats the puffer fish and puffer fish is inside the sharks throat it blows up like a balloon with really sharp spines so yes puffer fish can really kill sharks.

Are puffer fish's spines poisonous?

yes, the poison remains active when the puffer is dead.

Are lionfish poisonous?

Lionfish are dangerous because they are one of the most venomous fish, and it has venomous sting. It's sting lasts 10-20 minutes. There are 40,000-50,000 cases of lionfish stinging's annually.

What sea animals are poisonous?

the catfish because of its poisonous barbs, the puffer fish because if the shark eat it, the shark's mouth will be pierce of the puffer fish spines, some jellyfish can kill it and maybe a stingray too.

How did the blue tang get its name?

"tang" refers to the sharp spines on the fish's tail, and blue is of course its main coloring.

What is the most poisonous fish?

The stonefish is has the deadliest poison in the world. When it feels threatened, it raises 13 spikes with razor sharp ends filled with poison. It can be found off the Australian coast.The rock bellie is the most poisonous type of fish with its razar sharp spines.The most poisonous fish is called a stonefish. They look like stones, however, have a very poisonous venom that is released when they are stepped on or threatened.