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If a vet is not available then I would first see if I could remove the stinger with a knife edge to keep the stinger from pumping anymore venom into the cat if I could do that immediately. Next I would give the cat some antihistamine like Benedril in a reduced amount because of the size of the cat. Also to reduce the spread of the swelling, cooling the wound with ice or cool cloth would be advised if possible.

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13y ago

It will cause pain, just as a bee sting causes pain in people. The cat may also have an allergic reaction to it, so you will need to keep a very close watch on the cat to make sure it has no trouble breathing, no wheezing, no swelling around the eyes, mouth, tongue, throat, ears and head. Also check to make sure the cat's gums stay pink; if they start to turn blue, this is an indication of lack of oxygen. If the cat has any of these symptoms, you need to get it to a vet ASAP.

If none of the above symptoms appear within 30 minutes after being stung, then it will most likely be fine. But for the first 30 minutes you really need to watch it at all times, not letting it out of your sight.

You can also give it Benadryl as soon as it's stung. The dosage for cats is 2-5 mg per kg of body weight. If you don't know the conversion from kg to lbs, 1 pound is .454 kg.

For example, if you cat weighs 15 lbs, that would be 6.8 kg. So 6.8 kg x 5 mg of Benadryl would be 34 mg. This means you could give your cat one 25 mg Benadryl capsule, which would be in the mid-range recommended dosage.

The same symptoms and dosage also applies to dogs being stung by bees or wasps.

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