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Before the mating period, the male betta will create a bubble nest, where the eggs will reside. Once the female is near, they will usually fight each other before finally mating. Once they finish, the male will take the eggs in his mouth and put them in the nest. If these are pet betta fish, then the female should be removed after an hour or two.

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Q: What happens when the betta fish start mating?
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When is the mating season for betta fish?


How do you stop betta fish from mating?

the betta fish is a very beautiful fish but maybe put them in a seperate bowl for awhile.

What happens when female Betta fish are put together?

if female beta fish are put together they would start to fight like the males.

What does it mean when your betta fish is fasting?

When your Betta fish is fasting it means it is not eating, this usually happens after the Betta has bred and it will not eat until all the Betta eggs are hatched.

What happens if your betta fish eats too much?

it will be sick but if it continues then your betta will die.

What Can kill a betta fish other than a betta fish?

Well, if you love your Betta fish, then it should live by itself. But if you add another Betta to your current Betta fish's tank, then they will start a fight because Betta Fish are Siamese fighting fish and if one Betta is in contact of another Betta, the possible reason would be a fight between them two.

What happens when you put a betta fish into alcohol?

It dies.

Why does your male betta flare at the female?

Simple. Betta fish are territorial. They see movement, and color as a threat. They will do this even to the females until maybe mating season.

What will happen if you overfeed a betta fish?

If you overfeed a betta they will start to slow down their swimming and lay on the bottom.

What happens if your betta fish is missing?

your tank was probably not covered. beta fish are very good jumpers.

What Happens If you put a male Betta in with other fishes?

it depends some fish can be less aggressive than others i had a male Betta that lived fine for years with gold fish

Are Betta Fish omnivores?

No betta fish are carnivores.