

What heat do hamsters like?

Updated: 8/10/2023
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12y ago

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18 - 19 degrees.

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Q: What heat do hamsters like?
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Do dwarf hamsters like heat?

no.. they like it like 70-80.. anything above that they are overheated and could die

When do black bear hamsters go into heat?

Normal female hamsters go into heat every 4 days. they stay in heat for 1 day only.

Why don't my female hamster like my male?

Hamsters are solitary animals, the female will not be receptive to a male unless she is in heat.

Can teddy bear hamsters live in the heat?


Do male hamsters go in heat to?

uh no.

How does the environment effects hamsters?

Hi, The environment can affect hamsters quite well. For instance, if you had your hamsters cage near a furnace, the hamster could get heat stroke from too much heat. Hope this helps!

Do female teddy bear hamsters blead while in heat?

no because hamsters orriginally in desserts

Do girl hamsters have peiriods?

no, they do not bleed but go into "heat"

What is the aver length of an estrous cycle for a hamster?

Most hamsters go into heat every 4 days. Most hamsters go into heat every 4 days.

How long are female hamsters in heat?

Typically every 4 days, but usually in the evenings. It always varies between hamsters, but that is the norm

How do you get a teddy bear hamster in heat?

You do not. Hamsters go into heat by a natural cycle all on their own.

Can hamsters have a period?

They don't have periods, but they do come in heat. When in heat, they will let out some yellow discharge.