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the characteristics of a horse is that most horses are either competitive horses that race like mine does. some horses may not be used for racing but others are. some horses are independent than others and some horses are either social than other horses.

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

All horses have different characteristics. They all have one hoof on each foot (4 feet), and they have the same basic body structure, even though they are all different sizes, colors, etc.

What could I say about the characteristics of my horses..... They like playing games. They enjoy working out. One or two will try to sneak out of their stalls at night.

Some are brave souls, while others get scared of their own poo. Some seem to sleep in the cross ties while some hate going into the barn.

The main thing they all have in common is they enjoy eating. Hay, oats, sweet feed.. they will eat till they get sick!
It really depends on the breed of horse, some are more highly strung others aren't and are great for beginners.

But horses are flight-or-flight response. If they are startled the first thing they would usually do is run away.

Some breeds are very docile and make a great childrens's mount. Others are not so docile.

Hope this will help you
The characteristics of a horse are graceful, strength, beauty, loving, companion and many more!

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βˆ™ 9y ago

Oftentimes, human characteristics are attributed to animals. For instance, people sometimes say that horses are wise, thoughtful, and have cheerful dispositions.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

horses have there own traits and personality just like people each person has there own.

All organisms have traits.

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βˆ™ 13y ago


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