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Stop feeding dog food and go to small amounts of cooked rice several times a day. If the dog is getting better you can gradually add the dog food. If the dog still has diarrhea after 24 hours, please see your vet to determine the cause of your dogs illness. A dog can get very dehydrated and I wouldn't let the diarrhea go unchecked for long. You can also give the dog an adult dose of pepto bismol in liquid or tablet form (tablet is much easier, they hate the taste) if it weighs over 50 lbs. Give a half dose for smaller dogs or a quarter dose for toy dogs. You can repeat this every 4-6 hours depending on the severity of the diarrhea. Bottom line though, see your vet if the problem continues.

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Q: What if your dog gets diarrhea and loose bowel but not throwing up?
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What do tarantulas do to scare away predators?

a tarantula scares away its predator by throwing hairs at them and it stings when it gets in your eyes and nose. It also takes like a hour to make it stop stinging.

How do you cure diarrhea in dogs?

I have a dog as well who got very sick last weekend. He was throwing up and had REALLY bad diarrhea. We didn't really know what to do, so we gave him Peptobismal. I know it sounds crazy giving Pepto to a dog but that's what they give dogs at hospitals. Thank god for Pepto. Just give your dog a tablespoon of Pepto. If it's not that that bad than just give him a teaspoon. Hope your dog gets better. When our wimeranna gets sick, we give him rice and chicken he loves it and it really does help. The vets said that it is very common for dogs to be traumatized easily, he is a real wimp and is afraid of storms and fireworks, if there is one, max gets very afraid and it causes him to often vomit or have extremely bad diarrhea there is often blood in it too. We really panicked the first time but we called the vet and she said just calm down and don't show the dog you are afraid. Of course if could be that he/she has eaten something which is cutting her stomach up so its always best to seek the advice of your vet. We just cook up some rice and chicken, wait for it to cool complete and then give it to him. Within 12 hours he is usually fine but remember vets know best.

What kind digestive tract of a bumblebee?

Bees lap up nectar through the proboscis by capillary action. The exoskeleton of the abdomen is divided into plates called dorsal tergites and ventral sternites which food gets passed along through. Soon, nectar reaches the intestine and moves further along through the bowel walls where it slowly gets pushed out.

Can a guinea pig get sick eating a sponge?

YES! It can choke on the sponge very easily. Also, a store-bought sponge is made of plastic. If if gets into a guinea pig's stomach, it might vomit and have diarrhea. Bring to your vet immediately.

Will doxycycline stop cat diarrhea?

I assume it's antibiotics specifically for cats. You cannot give them the same as for humans and never without consulting a vet. Antibiotics work the same way on cats as it does in humans - it kills the good bacteria in the stomach as well as the bad so diarrhea is a side effect. As long as the cat eat and drink this is not dangerous. I suggest you ask the vet that prescriped them to you since he knows what they were for. Diarrhea can be very dangerous for a cat of it gets dehydrated.

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Cod liver oil and orange juice should not be used to bring on labor. Firstly, it doesn't work, and secondly, it is a laxative, which can make you have diarrhea. The baby gets everything that the mother gets, and this could cause the baby to have a bowel movement, which they may ingest, causing problems.

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There are multiple reasons - parasite infestataion, bacterial infection or overgrowth, inflammatory bowel disease, etc. Persians are also somewhat high maintenance and are quite sensitive to their surroundings, so you can see them getting stress diarrhea if there is a lot of stress in the household or the routine of the house is frequently disrupted. In vet school, many of my fellow students' pets would break with diarrhea the week before and week of midterms and final exams.

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