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Q: What insect made many people in Jamestown ill?
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What insect spreaded disease in Jamestown?

Mosquitoes spread disease in Jamestown. This disease was most commonly malaria, and it took the lives of many colonists as they adjusted to the warmer climate in Virginia.

How many people started Jamestown?

104 people

How many people live in Jamestown?

about 30 to 35 thousand

How many people were on the House of Burgesses of Jamestown?

either 22 or 23

How did people act in Jamestown?

People in Jamestown lived like us, but they had less technology. Soon, a disease and famine came shortly after their captain left. Many died, at didn't rebuild after a long time.

How many Jamestown settlers survived the starving time?

60 People survived

How many people died in the Jamestown flood in 1889?

2029 people died in James town flood

Who governed Jamestown?

The first governor of Jamestown was John Smith, he was assigned the "council" (ruler) of Jamestown by england. John Smith used harsh dicipline to keep the colony alive.

How many people live in Jamestown North Dakota?

The 2000 US Census recorded 5,622 residents.

What is a edna tologist?

Many people have wondered this but I have answered this. An edna tologist is an insect inspector.

What miracle crop save Jamestown's economy?

The crop that helped Jamestown become more successful was tabacco, because they sold it for pipes. Many people enjoyed this sensation, and bought it, which brought in money for the people of Jamestown. ~E VanDe

What happend to the insect population?

many people are afraid of bugs and kill them or they die becausre of their climate