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Q: What is a Small sparrow or finch know as snow bird in N America?
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Animals that can fly that start with q?

Quelea - a small African bird, like a sparrow or finch.


A Sparrow is a small bird that are very common

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What type of creature is a quelea?

Quelea is a small bird that belongs to the weaver family Ploceidae. They exist only in Africa. They are similar to a sparrow or finch, with bills adapted to eating seeds.

Small Bird that sings as it flies?

purple finch,robin,rose breasted grosbeak,mockingbird,bluebird,cardinal,lyre bird and nightingale.

What is the name of a bird that starts with the word house?

House Wren, House Finch, House Sparrow

What bird in southern California desert looks like a sparrow with a red chest?

You're not providing much information to go on, like behavior, size, habitat, etc, but you might want to look in a field guide and see if Hose Finch (Carpodacus mexicanus) is what you are asking about.

What kind of bird red head looks like a sparrow and is found in MI?

Sounds like a house finch.

What is the meaning of a sparrow bird?

Answer to Meaning of SparrowsThey symbolize the least in God's kingdom, He will still take care of and provide for.They symbolize humility as well and sometimes joy when found in a group.A lone sparrow sparrow is also significant to sadness, desolation, loneliness as pertains to Jesus in the Garden when He compares himself to a lone sparrow.

What kind of bird red head looks like a sparrow and is found in Texas?

Consult a field guide for house finch.

Could you Describe what a house sparrow is?

A house sparrow is a small bird that lives pretty much every where in the US, parts of Canada, Mexico, and European countries. They are often referred to as pests since they are not native and have very few predators. Despite it's name it's not actually a true sparrow but rather a weaver finch.

What bird is nicknamed sparrow hawk?

A small falcon called the kestrel.