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A pursuit predator. This distinguishes it from an ambush predator, while lies in wait for its prey. There's some gray area to the distinction, since any predator is likely to wait until its prey is very close before attacking, but some cases are obvious. For example, the alligator snapping turtle must wait until a fish is almost in its mouth, since it can't swim after one, whereas the wolf can chase a deer for hours if necessary.

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An animal that specializes in dead animals is a scavenger.

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An animal that hunts, chases and eats animals is a predator.

It is awfully hard for any critter to chase an animal that is already dead.

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a predator

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Q: What is a animal that chases and eats dead animals called?
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An animal that finds other dead animals to eat?

these animals are called scavengers

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What is the name of the dead animal that scavengers eat?

The word is carrion - bodies of dead animals eaten by scavengers. Carrion is defined as "the decaying flesh of dead animals."Carcass is the trunk of an animal such as a cow, sheep, or pig, for cutting up as meat.

Is an animal that eats dead animals called a carnivore?

No, an animal that eats dead animals is called a scavenger. Carnivores are animals that primarily eat meat from live animals. Scavengers play an important role in ecosystems by helping to clean up and recycle nutrients from dead organisms.

What is an animal that feeds on dead animals?

A vulture is an example of an animal that feeds on dead animals. Vultures play an important role in cleaning up carcasses and preventing the spread of disease in ecosystems.

Do lions attack dead animals?

No, there is no reason to attack a dead animal. They will eat a dead animal though.

What do you call a animal that feeds on dead bodies of plants and animals?

animals that feed on bodies of dead animals are called scavengers some examples areHyenasvulturesracoonsWedge-tailed EagleDingo JackalCrowShark (there are many)CrabsMaggots (Fly Larvae)GoannasFlathead(a fish in Australia)Heksia (found in Africa)hope that answered your question

An animal that looks for dead animals to eat is?

Any animal that is a ''scavenger'' Animals like vultures

What is a dead body of an animal called?

It is often called a carcass.

What is the name of a dead animal?

the dead body of an animal is called 'CARCASS'