

What is a bee's mate called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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A drone

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Q: What is a bee's mate called?
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Are worker bees boys?

All worker bees are female. The males are called drones, who do no work in the hive. They only live for one thing: to mate with a new queen.

Do queen bees mate outside the hive?

yeah they mate and generally they fight for their mates

What happens to male bees?

They mate and die that's it

Where do queen honey bees go to mate?

in the hive

How many times in life will bees mate?

When she is about five to seven days old a queen will leave the hive on a mating flight. She will mate with up to twenty drones then return to the hive. This is the only time she will mate. Worker bees are all female, but never mate. Drones (males) mate once only, then they die.

How many different jobs do bees have?

drones: mate with the queens. queen: mate with the drones make new bees. worker: they build , clean , protect hive , care for young and groom queen.

What do you call a male non working bee?

All male bees work. Technically, male bees (called drones) don't work at all. Only thing they do is mate, then die. Until then, they just chill and do nothing.

Which type of honey bees does not work?

The drones (male bees) don't work. Their only purpose is to mate with a virgin queen.

What kind of bees do not work?

The above is WRONG, worker bees are the sterile female bees that do do all the work. The bees that do no work in the hive are the male "drone" bees that the hive produces each summer. They have one function only, to mate with new queen bees.

Why are there no king bees?

ants do not need kings they have several ants to mate with the "queen" called "drones"

What are the male bees called?

Male bees are called drones.

Male bees are called?

Male bees are called drones.