

What is a bird cloaca?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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10y ago

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The cloaca of the hen, or any bird, is where the eggs are laid from. It is also where reproduction takes place.

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10y ago

A bird coaca is a bird from harry ppotter

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Bird excrete from their cloaca so it is a mixture of urine and faeces.

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The opening at the bottom of the bird where eggs and bathroom comes out.

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Just like any other bird, cloaca to cloaca then a few days later the female begins laying fertile eggs.

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What does a cloaca on birds look like?

A bird's cloaca is the passage through which a bird urinates, defecates and lays eggs. When engaged in any of these activities, the terminus looks like an "O", when not urinating, defecating or laying an egg the terminus looks rather like an asterix (*).

Do Human have cloaca?

No. Mammals do not have cloaca's.

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Do Male dogs have a cloaca?

No ,male dogs do not possess cloaca but placental mammals have cloaca in their embryonic stage.

Do homo sapiens have A cloaca?

No, humans do not have a cloaca. A cloaca is a single multipurpose opening for the urinary, reproductive, and digestive systems found in some animals like birds and reptiles. Humans have separate openings for these systems.

What is an inverted cloaca?

A cloaca is an opening in the posterior of an animal. It is used to eliminate body waste such as urine. An inverted cloaca means that the cloaca is turned inside and is not opening properly.

Does a platypus have a cloaca?

Yes. A cloaca is present in marsupials and monotremes, as well as in birds, amhibians and reptiles. Placental mammals do not have a cloaca.