

Best Answer

The price of a Siberian Husky puppy can range from $300 to around $800. The price depends greatly on the parents breeding. A pure bred is worth more than one with a questionable blood line.

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Q: What is a fair price to charge when selling Siberian Husky puppies?
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Related questions

How many can a Siberian husky breed?

The Siberian husky produces 6-8 puppies

Siberian husky average litter size?

hi, I have a Siberian husky and they tend to have 5 to 7 puppies,

How do you stop a Siberian husky from shedding?

there is no way to stop a Siberian husky from shedding.

How many puppies does a husky have in a liter?

The average number of puppies in a Siberian Husky litter is 6-8 pups.

Are all husky puppies born with blue eyes?

Usually, all puppies look like they have blue eyes when they are born, Their is a lot of Siberian Husky puppies that have blue eyes and they keep their blue eyes. Siberian Husky puppies can also have party color eyes blue and brown or one blue and one brown.

If a pure Siberian husky puppy from Cameroon is on her way to the UK?

This is a scam!! Just google "husky puppies Cameroon scam"

How many puppies would a three and a half year old Siberian husky have for her first time breeding?

The Siberian husky usually produces a litter of 4-8 pups.

Where is a good website to find siberian husky puppies for sale?

Check they may have some

Where are Siberian Husky Puppies sold?

Siberian Husky puppies are sold throughout the country. It is best to get a puppy at a reputable breeder, rather than so-called "puppy mills" or pet stores. To find a reputable breeder you can contact the American Kennel Club.

What do you call a baby husky dog?

Like all breeds of domesticated dog, Siberian Husky offspring are called puppies.

How do Siberian husky reproduce?

The male Siberian husky put it's penis into the female Siberian husky's vagina!

What can you do when siberian husky is sick?

Take the puppy to a veterinarian. Puppies can get many diseases that can be life threatening if not promptly treated.