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Q: What is a good title for a cat and dog story?
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What is the climax point of the story The cat who thought she was a cat and the dog who thought he was a cat?

The climax of the story is when the cat and the dog discover each other's true identities and realize they are not actually cats. This moment leads to a shift in their perspectives and behaviors as they embrace who they really are.

Who sang your dog is trying to kill my cat?

Ms. Jody Actual title: Your dog is about to kill my cat "What You Gonna Do When The Rent Is Due" CD

What is a good pet if you have a cat alrealdy?

Of your cat is good with the opposite species, then a dog

Would 'the story of a dog' be a sentence or a fragment?

"The story of a dog" is a fragment. There is no action or linking verb.It is more likely to be a title.

Monolog story between cat and dog?


Your cat is named Elvis is this a good name?

In my opinion, it is a very good name for a cat or dog.

The summary to Isaac Bashevis Singer's The cat who thought she was a dog and the dog who thought he was cat?

In Isaac Bashevis Singer's story, "The Cat who thought she was a dog and the Dog who thought he was a Cat," a cat and a dog switch identities and try to live each other's lives. Through their experiences, they learn valuable lessons about acceptance, identity, and the importance of being true to oneself. The story explores themes of self-discovery and the idea that it's okay to be different.

Who wrote the last dog story?

I'm not sure which specific dog story you're referring to. Can you provide more details or the title of the story so I can better assist you?

Is a hyena more closely related to a cat or a dog?

Dog cause they both make good laughs.

What should I call my fiction story about a dog trying eat a cat?

kitty on my mind

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dog cat rat pig

What is better - a cat or a dog or a hamster?

cat then dog