

What is a group of mussels called?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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10y ago

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A group of mussels collectively are called shellfish, clams, bivalves and unionids.

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Q: What is a group of mussels called?
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A group of shellfish like cockles or mussels is called a clutch

What is a group of of mussels?

Mussels are included in group Bivalvia of Phylum Mollusca . They have two piece shell.

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They are both in the Molluscs group.

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What is the scientific name for mussels?

Mussels as a group comprise many different species in the class Bivalvia; they are mainly found in the three subclasses Pteriomorphia, Paleoheterodonta and Heterodonta. Kingdom: Animalia Phylum: Mollusca Class: Bivalvia Subclasses | Pteriomorpha (marine mussels) Palaeoheterodonta (freshwater mussels) Heterodonta (zebra mussels)

What is a shellfish with two shells called?

clams, oysters, or mussels

What do mussels eat?

What Do Mussels Eat?What do freshwater mussels eat? • Fish, turtles, leaves? No - freshwater mussels eat microscopic plants and animals called plankton • They also eat bacteria and detritus (dead plant and animal pieces) suspended in the water.How do freshwater mussels eat? • Freshwater mussels do not hunt or search for their food; they wait for it to come to them • Freshwater mussels filter feed by sucking water in through a siphon (kind of like a little hose) • Water passes over gills where food particles get filtered out and carried by little hairs called cilia to the mouth

Is clams different than musles?

Mussels are a general term used for several different families of clams. Clams that are edible and have an elongated, asymmetrical shell are called Mussels.

What is a group of oysters called?

A group of oysters is called a bed Actually, it's called a culch.

Where do mussels live?

They live in Freshwater. (Freshwater Mussels.) They can also live in Saltwater. (Saltwater Mussels.) Mussels are kind of like a clam, not to be mixed up with muscles.

What kind of leaves mussels eat?

Mussels are shellfish, not rabbits. I would suggest not feeding mussels leaves.

What is the difference between freshwater mussels and saltwater mussels?

Freshwater mussels live in rivers, while saltwater mussels live in oceans. Even though it is mussels, it differs a lot. Freshwater mussel and saltwater mussels hunt different things, because they live in different places.