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Q: What is a place where animals can live and stay safe called?
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How can you protect endangered fauna and flora?

Right now many people are trying to save endangered plants by growing them in a special place where they won't be harmed by nature's weather, animals, people etc. to make them reporduce as much as possible. If that plan doesn't work then scientists will have to use a method called "micropropagation" to clone hundreds of identical plants from just one paret plant!

What is a place where chicks are kept is called?

The place where chickens are kept is called a coop. Chickens need shelter and a place to roost/ sleep that is out of the weather and safe from predators. Chicken quickly learn where this safe home is and will gather as a flock just after dusk, free range chickens will spend the night in the coop and emerge at dawn looking for food.

Why do animals move from place to place?

animals move from place to place because -1)in search of food and shelter.2)to protect themselves against adverse climatic conditions.3)to protect themselves from enemies and their predators.4)to find suitable partners for reproduction.Animals migrate to reproduce, eat, or seek warmer climates.

How does an ant lion make its pit?

An Ant lion digs its pit with its claw so that when it gives birth to their lava, they have a safe place to live and hide.

Why does animals need to live in different homes?

Animals need to live in different homes because they all have different needs. For example, a giant panda eats only bamboo and so, needs a large area full of it. Also,lots of animals are territorial and so need a lot of space to roam, like lions etc. The most obvious reason is if the animal in question is a type of fish, the fish needs to liveeither in a river or the sea because without water, a fish can't breathe and so will die.

Related questions

Are animals going to be safe in zoo's?

Yes. Just think about it they have food, water, and a place to live. It's better than starving and having no place to live.

Is Honduras a safe place to live in?

No it is not safe to live there because there are hurricanes.

What are animals that live in trees called?

They are called aboreals, and live in trees to stay safe (as you may well know). Some, I say, are just lazy. :) *COUGH sloth*

How do zebras build a home?

Zebras are herd animals. Herd animals don't build homes. They run away when there is danger instead of making a safe place to live.

What are some animals that live under the tree trunk?

The rabbit has always lived under the treetrunk. It is a good place to live - a refuge against predators, and it is warm and safe, and good to have baby bunnies.Some animals live in trees - like squirrels or birds, but besides the rabbit, I don't think many animals live under the treetrunk.

What is a safe but relatively inexpensive place to live on the island of ohau Hawaii?

Regrets, but while most of Hawaii is a safe place to live, it is also a very expensive place.

Why is Lord Baltimore a safe place?

they wanted to help the Catholics have a safe place to live and not make them jailed

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Why did the Calvert's want more catholic to settle in Maryland?

They wanted to give Catholics a safe place to live.

Is Florida a safe place to live?

It isn't particularly safe due to the fact that if you live in Florida you will expereince hurricanes.

A safe but cheap place to live in Toronto?

There is no such thing as a cheap place to live in Toronto. It doesn't exist.