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a forest......

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Q: What is a place with thick vegetation and lots of animals and reptiles?
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Which animal has 1-inch-thick skin on most parts of its body?

Some species of elephants can have skin up to an inch thick. A rhinoceros and a hippopotamus can also have very thick skin. These are all pachydermatous animals (meaning, "thick skinned").

Are fish classified as reptiles?

No. Fish are one of the five families of vertebrates (animals with backbones) that include fish, reptiles, amphibians, birds and mammals. Fish are similar to reptiles being cold blooded, they lay eggs, and have scales, but are different from reptiles as fish breathe through gills and live exclusively underwater, whereas reptiles breathe through lungs on land. Fish lay eggs that have thin membranes (skins) in water. Reptiles usually lay eggs with thick leathery skins on land.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------BUT,fish pretty much evoled to make if you look at it,reptiles are like land living fish!both have scales and most lay eggs... a FISH is definitely NOT A REPTILE.... fish are in the family of fishes. and although they seem like a reptile with teeth, scales and dinosaur-like, they are completely different from reptiles like their insides, fins and skills. hope my answer helped! :)

Where do Quokkas sleep?

During the day, quokkas sleep in thick vegetation, such as scrubby thickets and areas of dense grass. On parts of the mainland, where quokkas have a very minimal population, they nest in thick cover around swampy areas.

What are characteristics of reptiles?

Some characteristics of reptiles are, They have backbones or vertebrae, they are cold blooded, they have thick protective scales and lay eggs. All reptiles breathe air from their lungs. They have 3 heart chambers. Some examples include lizards, snakes, crocodiles and alligators

Why can animals with thick fur resist cold temperature?

This has to do with adaptations and what type of environments the animals live in. If, for example a Chihuahua lived in the North Pole it wouldn't last very long because the fur on it's body was made to protect it from little cold, rather than a polar bear that has many thick layers of fur that protect it from the chill of the precipitation and the place where it is living ion general. Fur helps animals become warm but not all fur works to the same level as every other fur. Some fur jackets can be very thick and be meant for cold winter days but some jackets not made out of thick bear fur would not be able to endure that amount of low temperature! Hope I helped! :)