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Q: What is a small mammal with a ringed tail similar to a raccoon?
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What is a small tusked mammal called?

hi, a ring tailed mammal is called a lema or a raccoon

What small mammal resembles a raccoon of the mountain forests of South Asia?

The animal is a Red Panda.

Is a coati a predator?

Coatis, much like their cousins raccoons, are omnivores. They eat invertebrates, fruit and small vertebrates.

Small mammal resembling a raccoon?

Possum, wood chuck, Need more info. where do you live, Night time or day time?

What are the general details of the raccoon?

a mask-like face, a ringed tail, and 10 fingers and 10 toes. And about the size of a small dog or a big cat. Most of their fur is grey or brown

What is a quatamandi?

I suspect you mean coatimundi. It's a small mammal with a long nose and a raccoon-like tail. Google it up and you'll get a picture.

What are ringed plovers?

The Ringed plover Charadrius hiaticula is a small wader found across the Northern Hemisphere. The ringed plover is so named as it has a Black ring or band of feathers around the front of its neck.It is very similar to the Little ringed Plover Charadrius dubius but adults of the two species can be easily separated as the Little ringed plover has a golden yellow ring around its eye. The Ringed plover does not have this feature.

Does a coyote eat a baby raccoon?

Yes, definitley. Any small mammal. We had baby raccoons are our back deck for the night-as they were orphaned and a coyote came and ate them.=(

What is a kinkachoo?

A kinkajou is a nocturnal arboreal omnivorous mammal found in Mexico and South America that is related to the raccoon and has a long prehensile tail, large eyes, and yellowish brown fur. Also called a honey bear.

Is a javlina a mammal?

yes they are of the rodent species. They are varments.

What does a cudamonde look like?

The kudamonde, or coati, is a type of raccoon. It is a small animal and it often has a ringtail and a distinctive snout, similar to a pig.

How big are the blue ringed octopuses?

The blue ringed octopus are quite small. They are 5 - 8 inches, or about the size of a golfball.