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Q: What is a white spider in Michigan called?
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What thick black spider with one white spot on its back lives in Michigan?

Likely the Daring (Bold) Jumping Spider

What kind of huge spider has black yellow and white stripes It was found in a warehouse in Michigan that has a lot of items imported from China?

Its an African American Asian Spider

Which book about a spider was writen by EB white?

The book by E B White that is a story about a spider, and a pig is called Charlotte's web.

What spider has a red back with 3 white lines down the centre?

Its called The "Katipo spider"

Are black and white striped spiders in Northern Michigan poisonous?

No. I live in Michigan and its most likely a jumping (Zebra) spider or a parsons spider. The only two poisonous spiders we have to worry about are the Northern Black Widow and the (rare) Brown Recluse.

What is an example of a white spider?

The white crab spider is an example of a white spider.Specifically, the spider in question exhibits white and translucent colors. It has the scientific name Thomisus spectabilis (literally, "sting spectacular"). It also may be called white flower spider since it ambushes nectar-seeking insects.

What kind of hearty black spider would live in Michigan in the woods and has a white spot on his back and is quite hairy?

Phidippus audax

What kind of spider has a white body with long legs with orange bands on legs?

i have seen this spider before :D i think it is called the tree spider

What kind of spider is shinny brown with 3 white spots?

They are called White-Spotted Brown spiders

What is a red spider with white line down back called?

a red back.

What kind of spider makes a web like a zipper with a grey or white back with red and orange legs that are very long?

Often called a zipper spider or writing spider.

What is spider with a white belly?

The cross spider has white crosses on his abdomen. Another North American spider with white on his belly is a parson spider who has a white stripe down his abdomen.