

What is an fact about frogs?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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8y ago

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It's tongue is about one third of the animals length, is attached at the front in most of them and frogs can vary in length from a half an inch to one foot. some female bullfrogs carry their mates on their backs for long distances

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Q: What is an fact about frogs?
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the amout is 129 cal this is a true fact

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Yes, black crickets are in fact poisonous to frogs. Frogs should never be feed these type of crickets. However, regular green colored crickets are OK for a frog.

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Frogs do not drink fizzy drinks. In fact, they don't really "drink" at all. They absorb water through their skin.

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because frogs are dying off due to the toxins humans are putting into the air. The miners canary would die as a result of toxic gases in the mines, this would tell the miner it was time to get out. The fact frogs are dying off is indicative of the fact that or environment is on its way to becoming too toxic for us to exist in.

Can a snake really eat a frog?

Yes. In fact there are some snakes that specialize in eating frogs.

Is a frog a vertebrate or a invertebrates?

Frogs are vertebrates since it has a backbone. In fact, all amphibians are vertebrates.