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Not much darren

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Q: What is being done to help the addax from going extinct?
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What is currently being done to help the addax from going extinct?

they wii kill it

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There is a lot of programs out for them raising money and spreading awareness that they are going extinct.

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What is being done with red foxes so they don't go extinct?

Some states or jurisdictions may have laws protected the red fox but, overall, it receives no protection and is in no danger of going extinct.

What is being done to help the humpback whale from going extinct?

people are starting 2 stop poching and harpooning whales so that they will live

What is being done to help save the Killer Whales from being extinct?

They are in danger, i will post when i find out.

What can be done to prevent big cats from being extinct?

Stop killing them. o.O

What is being done to stop Asian elephants becoming extinct?

One thing that is being done to stop Asian elephants from becoming extinct is to enforce stricter laws on poaching. Protecting their habitat is also a way to help them.

What could have been done to keep Tasmanian tigers from going extinct?

well life on a farm

Why is being done to help save the saber-toothed cat?

Sorry. They are alredy extinct .

What do you think happens when an animal becomes extinct?

we lose the diversity of their DNA, but work is being done to restore and regrow extinct creatures in a lab.

What is being done to help the eastern puma?

Nothing is being done as they no longer need protection. They were declared extinct in 2011.