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cutaneous gas exchange

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Q: What is breathing through skin by frogs called?
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What animal breath through skin?

some frogs breath through skin some don't.

Why do humans not use their skin for gas exchange?

Humans cannot breathe through their skin because they are large organisms. Smaller organisms, such as frogs or flatworms, are able to absorb oxygen through their skin because the oxygen doesn't have to travel fr from the surface of the skin. It also has to do with the fact that human skin isn't as moist as the skin of frogs, etc., and moist skin is required for transdermal breathing.

Do frogs drink from their skin?

A characteristic of all amphibians is permeable skin. They do have the ability to absorb water through their skin. It is called cutaneous absorption. It is very uncommon to observe frogs drinking water orally. Their primary means of hydrating is by absorbing water, rather than drinking it. Thus, frogs can "drink" through their skin.

What is the function of a frog's skin?

The frogs skin is very slimy. The skin is partially used for breathing in oxygen just like how humans and other vaious mammals breath through their noses. There are other functions of the skin, but i am sure about this one=)

How do frogs respire?

through their skin

Why do frogs breathe through their skin?

Yes, frogs and toads can respire through their skin as well as through their breathing apparatus and lungs. This is very important for those living in areas where temperatures fall below freezing. This enables frogs to hibernate at the bottom of ponds and continue breathing through their skin.

How are frogs peculiar in their in their way of breathing?

their nostrils are holes that lead into the mouth. the air comes in through there and fills their lungs The toad normally breathes through its skin using whats called a cutaneous gas exchange. Toads also have lungs but while submerged in water or in hibernation, they just breathe through their skin.

How do gophers breathe underground?

Frogs and Toads can breathe through their skin underground in a process called cutaneous gas exchange. They get moisture and oxygen through their skin.

Do frogs drink water?

No, frogs do not drink water. Frogs absorb water through their skin.

Do frog develop bubble for breathing?

Frogs can breathe underwater only for 20 minutes at a time. They breathe by using oxygen that is dissolved into the water and breathe through their skin.

Where do frogs get water from?

They absorb it through their skin.

Can frogs absorb oxygen through their skin?

Yes. They can also absorb moisture through their skin.