

What is coelenteron?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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coelenteron is the internal cavity of a jellyfish used in digestion and excretion

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Q: What is coelenteron?
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What is the space inside coelenterates?

It is called the Coelenteron or gastrovascular cavity.

Where is a fish's mouth?

A jellyfish takes food in through its mouth which is located on the underside if its bell. Food is digested in a sac-like structure called a coelenteron or gastrovascular cavity. Waste material is passed out through the mouth.

How do sea anemones excrete wastes?

Jellyfish excrete from their internal cavity, the coelenteron; some of them also use waste products to feed autotrophic microorganisms, living in mutual symbiosis inside them, in exchange for nutrients like glucose.

What does a jellyfish mouth do?

A jellyfish takes food in through its mouth which is located on the underside if its bell. Food is digested in a sac-like structure called a coelenteron or gastrovascular cavity. Waste material is passed out through the mouth.

What are the body parts of a stingray?

The entire surface of the body, also the inner surface of the coelenteron can sting; however, stinging cells are located mostly on tentacles and on oral arms.

What type of digestion do cnidarian have?

Cnidarians capture plankton with their tentacles, which retract and bring the food towards their mouths. Shorter ribbon-like oral arms then help move the prey into their stomach cavity (called a coelenteron), where a layer of cells produce strong digestive enzymes that breaks down the unfortunate captive within a dozen or so minutes. This same layer of stomach cells (the endodermis) absorbs and diffuses the nutrients to the rest of the jellyfish. Undigested waste is expelled through the same opening that it entered, making it both a mouth and an anus.

What are characteristics of coelenterate?

Characteristics. All coelenterates are aquatic, mostly marine. The bodyform is radially symmetrical, diploblastic and does not have a coelom. The body has a single opening, the hypostome, surrounded by sensory tentacles equipped with either nematocysts or colloblasts to capture mostly planktonic prey.

What is the way in which jelly fish predate?

Most jellyfishes are passive drifters that feed on living or dead preys: small fish, eggs, zooplankton and other invertebrates that become caught in their tentacles. Preys are brought (by tentacles, if they have any) into the cavity, called coelenteron, where it is digested.Jellyfishes have cells called cnidocytes, which contain nematocysts, and located usually on their tentacles, mainly. Whenever a prey comes in contact with cnidocytes, hundreds to thousands of nematocysts' filaments are ejected into the prey's direction. These stinging cells are thus able to latch onto the prey, and the tentacles, or the oral arms (developed from the manubrium) bring the prey item into their mouth for digestion.

How do starfish get rid of waste?

Jellyfish bring food inside their internal cavity, the celenteron or gastrovascular cavity, where enzymes are product to digest it; nutrients are then absorbed and undigestable parts can be ejected from the coelenteron through the mouth/anus.

How do corals feed?

Corals are carnivore; they catch preys and animal particles that touch their tentacles, which are armed with 2 types of cnidocytes (stinging and/or sticking cells), then the tentacle bends, or convolves, bringing the caught food to the hypostoma (the mouth) wich is ingested through the pharynx and reaches the coelenteron, where it's digested with enzymes.Many corals obtain food also from photosynthetic organisms that live in mutual symbiosis inside them, called zoochlorellaeand zooxanthellae.

How do jellyfish feed and digest?

Most jellyfishes are passive drifters that feed on living or dead preys: small fish, eggs, zooplankton and other invertebrates that become caught in their tentacles. Preys are brought (by tentacles, if they have any) into the cavity, called coelenteron, where it is digested.Jellyfishes have cells called cnidocytes, which contain nematocysts, and located usually on their tentacles, mainly. Whenever a prey comes in contact with cnidocytes, hundreds to thousands of nematocysts' filaments are ejected into the prey's direction. These stinging cells are thus able to latch onto the prey, and the tentacles, or the oral arms (manubrium) bring the prey item into their mouth for digestion.

How do cnidarians move nutrients through the body?

Food, either particles or fish, depending on the specie, is taken into the mouth by lips, then passed down using muscular actions to complete swallowing. The mouth is subdivided into minute pores that lead to the coelenteron by tubes. Each pore has association with an external ciliated gutter which collects minute organisms and detrital matter. Some carnivorous cnidarians cannot digest all algae, but do take varieties of nutrients from them, like oxygen and glucose. With moon jellies, if they take in larvae of lobsters, their 'stomachs' give a bluish hue, but if they take in 'brine shrimp' they glow orange. Also, with males of moon jellies, the gonads are around the stomachs.