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Q: What is name for a force that makes the honey drop on the floor?
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Does it take four bee loads of nectar to make one drop of honey?

Although a bee's honey crop can hold up to 100 milligrams (mg) of nectar, they usually return to the hive with about 40 mg, so four loads would be about 160 mg. However, it doesn't end there. Nectar is between 80 and 90 per cent water. As the bees convert the nectar to honey, most of this water is evaporated off until the honey is down to about 16 per cent water so from the original 160 mg, over 100 mg of water is removed.The four bee loads of nectar is now down to around 50 milligrams. The relative density of honey is about 1.4, so a 5ml teaspoon will hold around 7 grams of honey, which is 140 lots of 50 mg. I'll leave it to you to work out whether you can get 140 drops of honey into a teaspoon.

What does a honey bee make honey from?

Honeybees collect sweet nectar from flowers and bring it back to their hives. There it is stored for future use, because its sugar provides honeybees with the energy they need. The nectar is stored as honey, which is a thick, concentrated form of nectar that has been converted in the bees' digestive tracts. Honey is stored in little compartments or cells in the hive, which the bees seal over with beeswax which they also produce. We call this honey-filled wax honeycomb. Beekeepers take honeycomb from the hive (leaving enough behind for the bees), using the wax for candle making and the honey to sweeten all kinds of foods.they collect pollen.

What do birds drop?

Birds will either drop whatever they are carrying or their body waste.

Why would cats hyperventilate?

The same reason a human would, you have to understand cats, are much like people. People hypervenhilate under stress, or anxiety, cats do the same thing.

What happens if you drop your hamster?

It depends on how high they are when you drop them, and also where they land, and on what surface. For example, if you dropped your hamster 1 foot above a soft fluffy pillow, and it lands on its feet, it should be okay. If you, however, were standing straight up, and dropped him on his head on a hard wood floor... he'd be pretty hurt, if not dead.

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What happens you drop a book on the floor?

When you drop a book on the floor, it will experience a sudden force from gravity causing it to fall. The impact between the book and the floor will generate a reaction force, resulting in a sound and potentially some damage to the book or the floor.

When you drop a marble in water what happens?

It makes a splash and the floor may get wet.

What force that makes a feather drop slower than a hammer on earth?

Air resistance.

Why should you never drop a magnet on the floor?

It will lose its magnetic field. The vibrations made from the drop charge the electrons and make them move out of the line that they were in, this causes the magnet to lose its magnetism.

If you drop a rubber ball on the floor it bounces back up what force acts on the ball to provide the bounce?

gravity, compretion

Will a fast ball take longer to hit the floor?

Yes, because if you throw it hard it will have more force than if you just drop it

During a rescue attempt you drop to the floor with hands visible The recovery force shoots and kills one your captors You should?

Remain motionless

During a rescue attempt you drop to the floor with hands visible the recovery force shoots and kills one of your captors you should?

remain motionless

How can you find pure honey from adulteration?

Drop one teaspoon of honey in a bowl of water. If it dissolves quickly, it means that your honey is adulterated. If it doesn't, then you can be sure that it is pure. This is because pure honey doesn't have any additives and and it is viscous where as adulterated honey has other ingredients which makes it dissolve quickly in water. Also you can find sugar crystals formed on top in adultered honey if stored for long period of time.

How can you tell pure honey and fake honey?

Take your honey.Put a single drop of the honey that you have on your fingernail and put your finger upside - down. If it stays there it is real honey, but if it doesn't it is not.

If a drop of ink and a drop of honey are place in water which spreads faster?

Ink is spreaded faster.