

What is the Hard shell of ant?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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15y ago

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the exoskeleton

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Q: What is the Hard shell of ant?
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a ant has 3 bones because they are labled in 3 parts 2 the body and1 the head

Is the shell soft or hard?

The shell is hard.

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Grasshoppers do not have a hard shell.

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It is called an exoskeleton. That means it is a thick durable outer shell somewhat like an ant's.

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with it's hard shell with it's hard shell

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The tortoise's shell is their home. The shell has a hard cover and can protect them when something hard hits it. If they do not have the shell, they would have died fast.

What is a simile for an ant?

There is not a simile for an ant although the phrase hard working uses ant as a simile to give a visual to the meaning. Most people have seen ants working and would say an ant is a hard worker because they are constantly working.

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A hard shell animal? Like a crab or snail?

Can ants drown when it rains?

Ants breathe through pores in their exoskeleton. However, they do not drown due to an oil on their skin and the surface tension of the water. If you put an ant under water it would carry a bubble down with it. Therefore, no it is not hard for an ant to breathe when it rains.

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The shell.

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turtle rino armadillo snail crocks

What moth has a hard shell?

There are not any adult moths that have a hard outer shell. However, a pupa from the Gypsy Moth do have a hard outer shell for protection until it hits adulthood.