

Best Answer

There are some slight differences between rabbit breeds, but for the most pet rabbits have the same character and any differences come down to individuality (the personal experiences that rabbit has had).

If you want to know more about rabbit character (behaviour), consider the questions/links below.

One person wrote: Gentle, nice, sweet, and great with children...

Another wrote in response: I disagree with the statement that rabbits (any rabbits) are "great with children" because, for the most part, children are not great with rabbits! Rabbits are sensitive to stress and injury. A loud child, chaotic, excitable, who wants to pick the rabbit up and squeeze it, will often inadvertently stress or injure the rabbit. Rabbits who are stressed out can become aggressive and hurt an unlucky child. Rabbits really are not the best pets for children at all, in spite of all the lovely drawings we see around Easter time. Only a calm, mature child who respects the rabbit on its own terms can be trusted with a rabbit.

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Q: What is the character of a dwarf lop rabbit?
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Related questions

What is the difference between a mini and a dwarf lop?

A mini lop rabbit is smaller than a dwarf lop rabbit.

What is the best rabbit?

I really like dwarf lop-ear. They aren't exactly dwarf. They can be pretty big, but they can have a lot of character. There are no dwarf lop ears, they are called Holland Lops. I prefer Havanas myself.

Can dwarf lop rabbits have white on their heads?

Yes, My dwarf lop eared rabbit has whits all over him :)

Your rabbit is dwarf-lop eared but looks and is the same size as an albino rabbit?

your rabbit is most likely a mix of the two if not they probably just resemble each other. make sure your rabbit is full blooded dwarf-lop.

What rabbit eats cabbages?

Jack rabbit, dwarf, lop, rex, chinchilla, angora, ANY RABBIT!!!

How did holland lop bunnies get there name?

from where they were first created. some guy tried to get a bunny breed from mating a french lop rabbit and a dwarf rabbit and accidentally made a Holland lop.

What is the best breed of rabbit?

Any rabbit! But the most popular rabbit breeds are Holland Lop, Jersey Wooly, and/or Netherland Dwarf Rabbit!

What is the difference between a dwarf lop rabbit and a normal lop rabbit?

There is no such thing as a dwarf lop. The smallest breed of lop rabbit is called the Holland Lop. They are approximately 4 pounds in weight. Hi, i you sound very experienced and i am only a novice ...but i breed and have started to show rabbits and dwarf lop and mini lop are two different size class of lops is smaller than dwarf. The ideal weight for a dwarf lop is 4lb 8oz...The maximum weight for a mini lop is 3lb 6oz. Hope this can shed some light on the mini / dwarf lop confusion! I'm sorry but you are confused unless the breed classes are different where you are from. I raise and show rabbits all over the United States and the classes and weights for lops are: American Fuzzy Lop - 4# max. weight English Lop - No max weight French Lop - No Max Weight Holland Lop - 4# max weight Mini Lop - 6 1/2 # max weight Where are you showing rabbits at? There are no dwarf lops in the US.

Is 60 dollars too much for a dwarf lop rabbit?

Yeah, that is way to expensive!

Is the dwarf rabbit smaller than a regular rabbit?

I think 'dwarf' in dwarf lopped means that the ears are small not the actual rabbit because I had a French Dwarf Lop and she was HUGE! An English Lopped Rabbit has ears that brush across the floor usually, but a FDL ears don't. :)

What kind of rabbits do you have?

I have one normal sized brown lopped ear rabbit(female), one black and white dwarf lop ear rabbit(female), one pure white normal lop ear rabbit(female) and a brown and grey mini lop rabbit(male).

What is the difference between a dwarf and a Holland lop eared rabbit?

one is bigger than the other