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the frog is called when it pops out a frogspawn

i love frogs yeah!

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frog spawn
frog spawn

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frog spawn

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an egg.

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Q: What is the cluster of frog eggs called?
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Related questions

How many frogs are hatched at a time?

A frog usually lays its eggs in a jelly-like substance which holds the eggs in a tight cluster. A frog usually lays over 100 to 200 eggs at a time.

What is a floating clump of frogs eggs called?

A clump of frog eggs are called a frog spawn.

What are groups of. Frog eggs called?

Frogs spawn

What does a real frog mean?

The answer is: A frog is a animal and it's like a toad.Frogs lay eggs and frog eggs are in ponds. Frogs eggs are called frog spone.

What is a frog eggs called?

to help eggs stick together it is called a slimmy jelly

How do Frog reproduce?

The eggs are called spawn, and are fertilized outside the frog's body.Frogs have external fertilization.a frog reproduces by mating with the opposite sex and will lay eggs and get tadpolesthe male frog will push the tummy of the female frog then it will be pregnantActually, frogs don't have intercourse. The female frog discharges eggs into water and the male frog sheds sperms over the eggs.

What tubes carries eggs in the female frog?

The oviducts carry the eggs through the female frog to the cloaca.

What hatches from frog eggs?

The thing that hatches from frog eggs are called tadpoles. These tadpoles live in water and look kind of like a small fish, then, they start metamorphosing stage by stage into a frog.

What does the adult frog lay eggs call?

They live "on land" although frogs still live in water, they just are not reliant on it for oxygen.

Name of the eggs laid by frogs?

its called the tadpole

Name of eggs that produce tadpoles?

An egg is just called 'an egg' but in collective terms many eggs are called 'frogspawn' or 'toadspawn'.

Where can you get frog eggs?

From a frog.