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"All consumers can make its own food in order to survive"

100% wrong! Consumers don't necessarily always make it's own food to survive. All producers make their own food using photosynthesis. Consumers get their energy from producers.

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9y ago

A producer in the food chain is normally a plant. They are called producers because they make their own food.

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Producers are able to manufacture energy from sunlight or other outside sources, without having to consume food.

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Q: What is the common characteristics do all producers have?
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What common characteristics do all consumers share?

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What common characteristic do all producers have?

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I'm not sure if you mean their common characteristics, or characteristics that they have in common. Some common characteristics are that they have exoskeletons and they are segmented. However, they also have some characteristics that they have in common, and some which no other animals have. One of these characteristics is that they possess biramous appendages, which means legs and other appendages which are forked into two pieces, although some crustaceans lose the minor piece of some legs as they mature. The seoncd thing they all have in common is that all of them first pass through a nauplius larval stage.

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