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Carnivores means meat eater. An animals that hunts and kills for his own meat to eat is both a predator and a meat eater. An animal that (mostly) searches for meat off already dead animals is obviously a carnivore, byt doesn't have to be a predator.

Vultures for instance do very little - if any - killing themselves, but are quite happy to pick the bones Clean of any carcass they can find. Might be an animal that has died of natural causes, or the leftovers after a lion's meal.

All carnivores are predators, but not all predators are carnivores. Predators eat meat, but carnivores eat exclusively meat.

So while humans are predators, we are not carnivores, because we also eat plants. Sharks are both predators AND carnivores.

"Predator" is also typically used in relation to their "prey." For example, a spider is the predator while a fly is the prey. Carnivore isn't usually used that way.

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8y ago
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3w ago

Carnivores are animals that consume meat from other animals, while cannibal animals consume the flesh of their own species. Carnivores hunt and eat other species as part of their natural diet, while cannibal animals consume members of their own species for various reasons, such as territorial disputes, population control, or survival.

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12y ago

CARNIVORE : they are the meat eaters that means they eat the meat of other animals such as tigers and lions OMNIVORE : they eat both meat of other animals and plants such as human being , bear and crow some are also called SCAVENGERS : they eat the meat of dead amimals such as vulture and eagle

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6y ago

A carnivore is an animal that only eats meat (e.g. wolf) An obligate carnivore is an animal that must eat only meat (e.g. cat)

An omnivore is an animal that eats both plants and meat (e.g. human)

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12y ago

You could be both.

  • Carnivores are anything that eats only meat.
  • Scavengers eat carrion, already dead meat.
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11y ago

The difference between the two is that a carnivore is a mammal that eats different species of mammals fish and ect., and cannibals eat their own species.

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14y ago

A carnivore kills its own food whereas a scavenger does not and eats whatever it can find or scavenge, hence a scavenger.

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