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Fecundity is the ability to have more than one offspring.

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12y ago

On average sheep and goats have a 5 month gestation, around 150 days. However, some breeds are known to have a slightly shorter or slightly longer gestation and there is individual variation.

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Q: What is the gestation period of sheep and goat?
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Gestation period of a goat?

The gestation period for a sheep is averaged to be 150 days

What is the gestation period of goat sheep pig and horse?

Goat and sheep are both 6 months, pigs are 3 months 3 weeks and 3 days, and Horses are 11-12 months.

How much longer is the average gestation period for a goat than for a dog?

The average goat has a gestational period of 150 days, while the average dog's gestation period is 63 days. So, a goat's gestation period is on the average of 87 days longer than that of a dog.

How long is the gestation period in ewes?

Gestation for wild sheep is about 180 days (compared to 150 days for domestic sheep.)

What is the Gestational period for sheep?

Average 147 day gestation period for a Sheep. Sheep gestation periods can generally be anywhere from 144-151 days.

What is the gestation period for cows goats and pigeons?

The gestation period for a cow is 285 days. For a goat, it's 150 days. Pigeons do not have gestation periods because they do not give birth to live young: they lay eggs, like any other bird. Thus, the incubation period for a pigeon is 17 to 19 days.

What is gestation period of askanian sheep?

Sheep have a gestational period (time of pregnancy) of 145 days.

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Sheep have a gestational period (time of pregnancy) of 145 days.

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Sheep have a gestational period (time of pregnancy) of 145 days.

What is the gestation period for Boer Goat?

On average five months

What is the gestation period for a mountain goat?

150 days or five months

What are some hormones in the gestation period in sheep?

Oestrogen and progesterone