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The oldest most experienced female of the herd is called the "Matriarch" Elephants live as a big heard which comprises of dozens of females and a bunch of baby elephants too. The herd is led or directed by the Matriarch. Since she is very old and experienced and she knows the places that contain the best food at that time of the season and also know where to find water holes.

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She's usually the matriarch.

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Q: What is the oldest female elephant called in the herd?
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What is a leader of an elephant herd called?

Colenel Hathi! lol erm i dont think it matters but probably the oldest elephant

What are female elephant called?

A female elephant is actually called a cow. A baby elephant is called a calf, and the male is called a bull.A female elephant is called a cow, a male is called a bull, and a baby is called a calf. The longest living elephant on record lived for 70 years, but the average life expectancy is 40 to 65 years.Techhnically, it's is called a Cow elephant, but when you see a group pf elephants, your can assume the adults are all females. The oldest 'cow' elephant, or 'Matriarch' is in charge of the herd (she is usually the mother of most of the female elephants). The male or bull elephants only stay with the herd until they reach puberty, then they're on their own and only come around the females for mating purposes.

What is a group of elephant called?

A group of elephants is called a herd or parade.a group of elephants is called a herd

What do you call male leader of family?

If you mean the male head of the (in this case) herd, then you call it an "Alpha male". CORRECT ANSWER: Male elephants are called bulls. However, there is no male head of the herd. The head of a herd is always a female elephant, a cow. Elephants are a matriarchal society, which means they are female centric.

What is an elephant called in a pack?

A group of elephants is called a herd. There is no name given for a line of elephants. Elephants do travel in a line led by the elder female. The calves will hold their mothers tail for protection.

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Are elephant troops led by males or female?

The herd is led by the oldest female elephant, called the matriarch

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The head giraffe.

What is a leader of an elephant herd called?

Colenel Hathi! lol erm i dont think it matters but probably the oldest elephant

Do African elephant live in groups?

Elephants are very social creatures. Both African and Asian elephants live in groups called herds. The herd is made up of cows or female elephants. Male or bull elephants leave their herd when 10-15 and join bachelor herds. The leader of a female elephant herd is called a matriarch. The matriarch is the oldest and most experienced elephant in the herd. The herd is usually made up of elephants they are related. If the herd becomes to big, the herd splits up, but stays close so the two herds can stay in touch.

What are female elephant called?

A female elephant is actually called a cow. A baby elephant is called a calf, and the male is called a bull.A female elephant is called a cow, a male is called a bull, and a baby is called a calf. The longest living elephant on record lived for 70 years, but the average life expectancy is 40 to 65 years.Techhnically, it's is called a Cow elephant, but when you see a group pf elephants, your can assume the adults are all females. The oldest 'cow' elephant, or 'Matriarch' is in charge of the herd (she is usually the mother of most of the female elephants). The male or bull elephants only stay with the herd until they reach puberty, then they're on their own and only come around the females for mating purposes.

Who heads an elephant herd?

Senior Female Elephant?

What is a group of elephant called?

A group of elephants is called a herd or parade.a group of elephants is called a herd

What is the name of an elephant leader?

A heard of elephants is lead by the matriarch, a cow. Young bulls are part of the herd but adult bulls only tag along with the herd for short periods of time.

What group of animals is a elephants from?

A group of elephants is called a herd or parade

Do Elephant live in groups?

Yes, elephants have very established social order. Each herd has a matriarch, and consist of adult females, and young males and females. The mother, sisters, aunts, and female cousins will raise the young elephants. They will show them where routes to water are, where to find food, specific behaviors, and other things the young elephants need to know. They pass down traditions, sometimes that are specific to their herd. As elephants get older, the females usually stay in the herd. Males will leave at about four years of age. They will go out on their own, or sometimes join smaller all male herds. Sometimes, if a younger elephant is separated from the herd, another herd will take them in. A female elephant will adopt him in, and other females will act as the aunts or relatives that help to raise and teach it.

What is a grpup of elephant?

A group of elephants is called an Herd

What is the baby elephant called in jungle book?

The baby elephant in "The Jungle Book" is called Hathi Jr. He is the son of the leader of the elephant herd, Colonel Hathi.