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They seem not to have another name.

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Q: What is the other name for water monitor lizard?
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Name a large lizard?

Konodo Dragon, Water Monitor, Savannah monitor, Gila monster, beaded lizard, and Tree Monitor.

What is the scientific name of monitor lizard?

The scientific name of the Wall lizard is Podarcis muralis.

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Monitor lizard

What is the scientific name for a monitor lizard?


Scientific name of monitor lizard?

The scientific name of monitor lizards is Varanus.

Name a reptile that lives in the African rainforest?

monitor lizard.

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Can komodo dragons walk on walls?

Komodo Dragons can walk on walls, yes. However, despite it's name, a Komodo Dragon is not a dragon at all. It is a lizard, hence it's other name: The Monitor Lizard.

How did the Jesus Christ lizard get his name?

jesus christ lizard get its name from Jesus because this lizard can run above the water quickly, like what Jesus did when he was walking on the water.

What animal name starts with a m?

* Monkey * mouse * Makaw * Meerkat * Marmoset * Mole * Monitor Lizard * Moth * Mackerels

What is name of Monitor lizard found on NSW south coast length over meter colours yellow black?


What is the other name for the monitor?

They seem not to have another name.