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This is called castration.

There are other terms. For a horse it is called gelding.

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Q: What is the process of removing testicles from a male animal?
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How do you castrate a man?

Castration of a male is done by surgically removing the testicles and then suturing the incision closed. There is also a chemical method of castration that makes the testicles ineffective.

What is castrating?

It's when your male animal cannot reproduce anymore. The operation removes the gonads/testicles. The animal is said to be castrated, neutered or fixed.

What surgery keeps cats from reproducing without removing testicles?

There is no other surgery that I know of that otherwise neuters a male cat. Removing the testicles is a very quick and straightforward way of sterilisation. Often, stitches are not needed and the cat recovers very quickly from the procedure.

Which type of female animal has balls?

Female spotted hyenas have a scrotum, but it's filled with adipose tissue; they don´t actually have testicles. Testicles are an exclusively male organ.

What is it called when a male animal gets on top of a female animal?

The male animal mounts the female. That process is called mating.

Can you grow testicles?

You cannot "grow" testicles. But if you are male you should have testicles and they will develop as you grow.

If a castrated male is called a eunuch what is a castrated female called?

Castration involves removing the testicles, since women have none to begin with a woman cannot be castrated.

How do Male animals reproduce?

Male animals reproduce by mating with female animals. In this process, the sperm from the male animal fertilizes the egg of a female animal.

What age does a young male donkey drop his testicles?

The average young male donkey will drop his testicles shortly after birth. The testicles will drop down with them 24 hours of birth.

What is the difference between castration and sterilization?

Castration is the removal of the testicles from a male animal or person, which is a form of sterilization because sperm can no longer be produced. Sterilization of a male can be accomplished without castration, for example by vasectomy, which is cutting and cauterizing the tubes that carry sperm from the testicles to the seminal vesicles.

Where are male gametes are formed?

The Male Gametes are formed in the testicles.

How is castration different from neutering?

Vasectomy means severing the ducts leading from the testicles, but leaving the testicles in place. Means the dog can't father any puppies, but will keep all the behaviour parts of being male, like aggression. Castration or neutering means removing the testicles entirely. W/o testicles the dog's testosterone levels will drop, making the dog less aggressive and less challenging.