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The triangular structure is called the frog, it is like a shock absorber for the hoof.

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Q: What is the triangular structure on the bottom of the horse's hoof?
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Do horses grow new frogs?

Horses do have frogs,a frog is located on the bottom of the hoof. If you look closely when you pick the hoof you will see a part of the hoof that looks like a frog's foot. Yup, but it is very delicate and important to the horse, so be very careful when you use the hoof pick, you don't want to stab the soft tissue.

Whats the bottom of a horses hoof?

The Frog

What part of the horse is the frog?

the triangular shaped part on the middle underside of a horses hoof

What is the triangular piece on the underside of the horses foot called?

if you're looking at the underside of the horse's hoof, you'll see a triangular part called the frog. Be careful around the frog when you're picking the dirt off your horses hoof because that part is very sensitive.

Where is the horseshoe used?

A horse shoe is found on the bottom of a horses hoof

What is the underside of the horses hooves called?

A horses foot is called the Hoof. The Hoof is the hard part on the bottom of the horses leg. Horses hooves are like our fingernails, actually they are made out of the same thing.

Is a founder a loss of sight?

Founder is NOT a loss of sight. It is damage to the laminae between a horses hoof wall and the rest of the hoof structure caused by inflammation in the horses foot. It is also called laminitis.

What is the underside of a horses foot called?

Horses "feet" are called hooves. There are several parts; the hoof wall, and the frog are the main ones. The wall is the fingernail like substance that makes up the hoof, while the frog is the flesh-like part in the middle.

What is the bottom of a horses hoof called?

If you didn't notice, there was a question that had already been asked and answered, the exact same thing, but with a ' in horses, making it horse's. It should be the same thing, if it's not...oh well, someone will either improve it or will improve this.

What goes aroung horses hoofs?

Horse shoes. They don't go around they go underneath and around the bottom of the horses hoof.

How do you clean horses shoes?

you use the hoof pick to pick the debris out of the hoof and you can rinse the horses hoof out with the hose.

Where would you find a corn on a horses foot?

in the little crack on the bottom of their hoof that constantly needs to be cleaned out