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asexual reproduction

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Q: What is the type of reproduction of frog?
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Related questions

What is the name for a frog reproduction and a human reproduction?

A human reproduction is called fusing frogs are lay eggs

Is the reproduction of the frog external?

the reproduction of frogs are external fertilization. By Crystal

What kind of reproduction does a frog have?

They are unisexual animals . They reproduce sexually

What is the mode of reproduction in frog?

They lay eggs and perform external fertilization.

What is a purple frog?

It is a type of frog.

Which of the following pairs of organisms have the most similar methods of reproduction A fish and frog B sponge and fish C sponge and earthworm D earthworm and frog?

A- fish and frog.

Is regeneration a type of reproduction?

Yes, regeneration is a type of Asexual reproduction.

What type of frog is an edible frog?


What is the type of bacterial reproduction that is most similar to sexual reproduction is?

Asexual reproduction

What type of reproduction is used by frogs?

Sexual reproduction

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Sexul reproduction

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