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the average adult weight of a crocodile depends on the species it can be anywhere from 50 pounds to 2500

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14y ago

Crocs can be as heavy as a 1000 pounds.

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Q: What is the weight of a crocodile in pounds?
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How much does the American crocodile weigh?

The average weight of American Crocodile is 800 pounds (360 kg).

What is the weight of a fresh water crocodile?

A large one would weigh around 600 pounds.

What was weight of the largest crocodile in the world?

The crocodile caught in Agusan, Philippines is 21 feet (6.4 meters) long and weighs in at 1,075 kilograms (2,370 pounds)

What is the average weight for a crocodile and a python?

Saltwater crocodiles weigh 800 pounds on average. Reticulated pythons weigh 200 pounds on average.

How much does a nile crocodile weigh?

Average weight is 500 pounds (225 kilograms), but these crocodiles can weigh up to 1,650 pounds (750 kilograms).

The weight of the saltwater crockidile?

An average male saltwater crocodile will weigh 780 kilograms (1,700 pounds), but there have been reports of salties weighing over 2,600 pounds! Hope that helped

Where and when was the biggest crocodile recorded captured?

In Tanzania, a Nile crocodile shot weighed to be 2400 pounds and was 22 ft long. In India, a saltwater crocodile shot weighed to be 3000 pounds and was 23 ft long. In India, a mugger crocodile shot weighed to be 1100 pounds and was 17 ft long. In Philippines, a saltwater crocodile shot weighed to be 2350 pounds and was 21 ft long. In Australia, a saltwater crocodile shot weighed to be 2500 pounds and was 22 ft long.

How much do crocodiles weigh?

The weight of a male crocodile is 60kg and a female is 30kg

How much does a crocodile wiegh?

About 800 - 1,500 pounds

How heavy was the biggest saltwater crocodile?

About 3,000 pounds

What is the largest croc?

The largest Crocodile in the world is the Saltwater Crocodile.

Which ones bigger the nile or the saltwater crocodile?

According to researchers, the nile crocodile is actually as big as the swamp crocodile or American crocodile pretty much in length and weight. Both males can exceed 20 ft long and weigh as much as 1 ton or over.