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These glands produce a fluid that mixes with sebum.

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Q: What is true regarding apocrine sweat glands?
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What are Aprocrine glands?

Apocrine glands are the small coiled glands in human skin that we call sweat glands However they are not 'true' sweat glands as seen in the majority of animals but they are excretory glands that regulate fluid and mineral excretions. Other animals with apocrine glands functioning in the same manner as in human skin tend to have a common evolutionary past; they all lived in water for extended periods of time. Examples and further fun information can be researched using books such as the Descent of Woman by Elaine Morgan.

What statements regarding endocrine glands is NOT true?

The endocrine glands manage the secretion of hormones into ducts.

What type of tissue is a sweat gland composed of?

"its in the protista family"not true. glands are composed of glandular epithelial tissue and lined with either simple or stratified cuboidal epithelium. glands lined with stratified cuboidal epithelium include: mammary, sweat, and salivary glands and the pancreas.

Is it true that crocodiles have no sweat glands so they use their mouth to release heat?

True - They often sleep with their mouth open to cool down. Answered by Pradip Hyderabad

Endocrine glands are ductless true or false?

Very true.

Tears or sweat can kill germs true or false?

It's true...

Is it true that you can not sweat up a horse twice in 1 day?

it is true

Is this true if saliva secreted into mouth?

Yes. It is true that various salivary glands like parotid, submandibular and sublingual salivary glands secretes saliva in the mouth.

True or False. Endocrine glands secrete their products into ducts that empty onto a surface or a cavity?

False. Endocrine glands are ductless glands

Is it true that if you sweat easier you're in better shape?

Sweating easier or more freely does not necessarily mean you are in better shape than someone who doesn't. Everyone has a different sweating pattern. How much you sweat is affected by gender, genetics, age, fitness level, and environment. Humans can have between 2 and 4 million sweat glands - it all depends on what you're born with. The more you have, the more you'll sweat. Women tend to sweat less because they are better able to regulate the amount of water they're losing. They also begin to sweat at higher temperatures compared to men.

Which statement is TRUE regarding infants born to HIV infected mothers?

Which are true statements regarding infant HIV

Is it true you loose a pint of sweat a night?

No, your bed would be soaking wet if that were true.