

What kills half red and black ants?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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13y ago

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stepping on it, squishing it to death

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Q: What kills half red and black ants?
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Black ants vs red ants who wins?

probably the red ants because they have powerfull sting

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the way you get red of sugar ants is that you use red pepper and black pepper as substitute and spread it around crack they take it to the queen and she dies

What is ants color?

some ants is red n some ants is black in colour

What types of insects live in BC?

their are black ants ,red ants ,flying ants

What is the deference from red ants and black ants?

they are different colors LOL!

Are red ants and black ants alike?

There are several thousand different types of ants around the world. Red ants are the second most common types of ants, they can be aggressive and are known to bite. Black ants also known as sugar ants, love anything sweet and will look for food wherever they smell it which can lead them to being in your house.

How do you squish ants barefoot?

It matter what kind of ants like red ants OUCH! But black ants dont bite

What kind of ants have a red head and black body?

Pyramid ants have a red head and a black body. These are native to the U.S and are more common in the southern states.

Why do red ants bite and black ants?

Actually, Black Ant's do bite. They just don't carry venom like Red Ants do. ((I hope i helped..))

What ants are found in Canada?

Red and Black ones

Why do black ants move faster than red ants?

Red ants are able to bite to defend themselves against predators. Black ants lack this defense mechanism so they tend to move a faster rate of speed to get out of harms way.