

What kind of animals do lions eat?

Updated: 4/28/2022
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7y ago

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Lions eat a variety of creatures. Whether it is wildebeest, warthogs, zebras, buffalo, or various types of antelope. They may also hunt and eat young rhinos, hippos, or elephants. Very rarely will they prey on giraffes.

Lions live in groups called prides. Most prides consist of many lionesses, their cubs, and 1 to 2 males. The females are the ones that do the hunting. If it is one single lioness, she may only take down a smaller mammal, but if there is a larger group of lionesses, they may hunt larger mammals, such as elephants or giraffes.

Male lions are the first to eat in the pride. The consume 7kg (15.4 lb) each day. Lionesses consume only 5kg (11 lb) each day.

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7y ago

yimyimyams,foxes,doe,moose,bobcats,and birds
A lion eats primarily zebra, buffalo, and Gazelles.

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