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mammals,birds,reptiles and amphibians.Any animal with its skeleton inside it.

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11y ago

Fish, Reptiles, Birds, Mammals.

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Q: What kind of animals have endoskeletons?
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What is the difference between animals muscles with endoskeletons and exoskeleton?

In animals with endoskeletons, muscles surround the skeleton. In animals with exoskeletons,the skeleton surrounds the muscles.

Which animals have endoskeletons?

An endoskeleton are inner skeletons that are composed of tissue that has become mineralized. Animals with endoskeletons are humans, monkeys, horses, birds, and fish.

What are the three types of skeletons that animals have?

Hydrostatic, Exoskeletons, and Endoskeletons

What factor makes it possible for animals with endoskeletons to grow larger than animals with exoskeletons?


What are the kinds of skeletons?

There are two types of skeletons. Exoskeletons are present in animals on the outside of the body. Examples of animals with exoskeleton include ants and crabs. Endoskeletons are present inside of an animal body. Examples of animals with endoskeletons include dogs and fish.

Which kind of animal have an endoskeleton?

Humans and crocodiles have endoskeletons

Do hawks have endoskeletons or exoskeletons?

Exoskeletons are usually associated with animals like grasshoppers, crabs, or tortoises – not dogs. dogs have endoskeleton

Do seahorses have endoskeletons?

Yes, they have endoskeletons. Seahorses' skeleton are inside their bodies so they would have endoskeletons.

Is a cow an endoskeleton?

Cows have endoskeletons. An endoskeleton is found inside the body and is composed of mineralized tissues. Some sponges and symmetrical marine animals also have endoskeletons.

Do lions have endoskeletons or exoskeleton?

Lions have endoskeletons because they are mammals and we are mammals.

Do all animals have either an exoskeleton or endoskeleton?

Endoskeletons. Arthropods such as lobsters, insects, and shrimp have exoskeletons. Endoskeletons have a skeletal system inside thier bodies, while exoskeletons have hard outer shells.

What animals have endoskeleton and which have exoskeleton?

The animals that have endoskeletons are all vertebrates like lions, tigers, dogs, cats, etc. The animals that have exoskeletons are crabs, most insects, mullusks, clams, etc.