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Precocial chicks are birds that fend for themselves after emerging from the shell of the egg. The emerge with eyes open and covered with down to aid in survival. There are four categories of precocial.

#1 Chicks of genus megapode like Australian Malee fowl and brush turkeys. These are able to fly at birth or hours after and learn to find food on their own. There are none of these in North America.

#2 Chickens, Ducks, Geese and many shorebirds fit this type, they follow their parent but find their own food and are not fed by the adult bird.

#3 Chicks of game birds like grouse and pheasant fit here as they follow the parent and are shown where and how to find food.

#4 Rails and grebes fit category four. The young follow the parent, learn to find food by example and are also fed food by the parent bird.

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